"For liberals, gays in the military is a win-win proposition. Either gays in the military works, or it wrecks the military, both of which outcomes they enthusiastically support. But since you brought up gays in the military, liberals, let's talk about Bradley Manning. He apparently released hundreds of thousands of classified government documents as a result of being a gay man in 'an awkward place.' Any discussion of 'don't ask, don't tell' should begin with Bradley Manning. Live by the sad anecdote, die by the sad anecdote." - GOProud's BFF Ann Coulter, in an essay declaring that history's most notorious spies and traitors have been gay.
Coulter's piece manages to work in references to Cher, Lady Gaga, Liza Minnelli, Patti LaBelle, "butt-less chaps," The Wizard Of Oz, Halloween, Greenwich Village, and Steven Slater.
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